
Saudi Arabia Releases Regulatory Document for International Mobile Telecommunications Services

The Communications and Information Technology Commission (CITC) released a new version of the “Regulation and Allocation of Commercial Spectrum Bands Identified for the International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT)​". This document has been revised within the CITC’s program on “Spectrum Outlook for Commercial and Innovative Use 2021-2023”. The document contains information on the frequency allocation and uses regulations for radio spectrum bands identified for IMT services. It was developed to strength the regulation in the wireless communication technology area and aimed to:
  • promote fair competition
  • ensure effective and interference-free usage of frequencies
  • ensure clarity and transparency in the assignment procedures used for spectrum identified for IMT
  • ensure principles of equality and non-discrimination between users

The Regulation prescribes the mechanism for IMT spectrum assignment. Mainly, it will be introduced through the auctions conducted by the CITC. Based on the auctions, the CITC will grant spectrum licenses. It is supposed to be valid for 10 years or more. 
The CITC prepared the following plan to release the additional spectrum for IMT:

The “Regulation and Allocation of Commercial Spectrum Bands Identified for the International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT)​" available in both Arabic and English. The English version can be found here.

2021-11-09 12:00